







Chilled Side Dish of Summer Vegetables simmered in Tuna and Bonito Blended Dashi Broth

The extreme heat continues, doesn’t it? During such times, let’s overcome the heat by enjoying a refreshing and cool side dish!

This week, we have prepared summer vegetables soaked in dashi for you.

The key to this dish is the broth. We have blended two types of shaved fish flakes: tuna flakes for richness and bonito flakes for aroma. The resulting broth is extremely luxurious, making you sigh in satisfaction with just one sip.

We lightly cook bright red tomatoes, juicy eggplants, and crisp okra with this broth, allowing the flavors to soak in, and then chill them. The tomatoes and eggplants become tender with the flavors of the broth seeping through, offering a smooth and pleasant texture, while the okra remains crunchy.

When you bite into them, the essence of the broth and vegetables spreads throughout your mouth. Who would have thought that the broth and summer vegetables would complement each other so well? This dish showcases that delightful combination.

Serve it in a glass dish for a vibrant presentation and enjoy it chilled. It will surely chase away any loss of appetite and refresh you.